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Personal Injury

Personal Injury

Personal injury involves a wide variety of cases, generally caused by the negligence of another person or company. Whether you are suffering from a car accident, truck accident, or dealing with the wrongful death of a loved one, you are likely already overwhelmed with the stress and inconvenience caused by someone else’s negligence.

When you’ve been injured through no fault of your own, you are often faced with medical bills, lost income, and countless other frustrations. We would be honored if you would reach out to Cusimano Law Firm to see if we can assist you as you navigate through the recovery process.

Cusimano Law Firm can assist you in recovering your losses, which often include the following:

  • Past and future medical expenses, including hospitalization, physical and rehabilitative therapy, and ongoing treatment
  • Past and future lost income if you had to miss work
  • Physical and mental pain and suffering
  • Lost earning power due to disabilities that prevent you from returning to work
  • Costs of travel for your medical treatment
  • Costs of occupational training if you must start a new career

We would be honored to have you reach out to Cusimano Law Firm to see if we are the right choice for you.

In addition to representing clients in personal injury cases, Cusimano Law Firm handles a wide variety of cases including: Civil Litigation, Successions and Wills, and Criminal Defense.